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FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

A: The Empathy Coin project is in its infancy and is therefore high risk, we want you to finance the BRP because you believe in the plan and not for financial gain, although as the plan makes clear its implementation is expected to deliver significant growth in global gross domestic product.

A: Yes, we certainly hope so but that will only occur as the BRP matures and the necessary systems and processes are put into place. As a participant and a holder of Empathy Coins you will be able to follow that progress.

A: At this stage no, funds provided go to the further development of the BRP and its communication. Full transparency as to how funds are spent is available to Empathy Coin holders on this website.

A: No, the BRP is initially about creating and promoting societal frameworks within which environmental and social issues can be resolved leading to the ultimate delivery of the UN SDG’s. In this respect it is about supporting the traditional carbon markets as well as going well beyond them. A key objective of the BRP is to assist in the establishment of accurate Earth system accounting and in particular the amount of living biomass which is defined by the amount of living carbon it contains.

A: Yes, in that participating companies will be able to declare their support for the BRP and by extension the work it is doing.
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