
Funding Live
Target: $5,000,000
Asset Type
Asset Type Asset Fund
Start Date 2024-09-04
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Minimum Donation $5
SDG Impact Rating

Envisionation: Pioneering a Sustainable Future

Envisionation is committed to creating a viable and prosperous future for humanity and all life on Earth through the Biosphere Restoration Plan (BRP). Our plan takes a "Whole Earth System" approach, addressing the critical need to restore and regenerate our planet's biosphere, which has been severely degraded over the past millennia. By understanding the interconnectedness of Earth's natural systems, we can develop solutions that not only tackle the immediate crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem collapse but also lay the foundation for a sustainable and resilient future for all.

Restoring Earth's Biosphere to Stabilize Climate

The BRP is founded on a comprehensive understanding of the Earth's biosphere and its critical role in maintaining climatic stability. Over the past 10,000 years, human activities have drastically reduced the planet's biomass, weakening natural climate regulation systems. Our plan aims to restore this lost biomass, which is vital for sequestering carbon and rebalancing atmospheric CO2 levels to pre-industrial standards. By doing so, we can mitigate the worst effects of climate change, prevent runaway warming, and ensure the long-term stability of our planet's climate systems.

A Collaborative and Multidisciplinary Approach

Achieving these ambitious goals requires a collaborative effort that extends beyond traditional corporate and governmental structures. Envisionation has built an extensive network of experts across multiple disciplines, including biosphere sciences, renewable energy, agro-tech, and environmental economics. This network is crucial for fostering innovation, sharing knowledge, and developing the comprehensive strategies needed to implement the BRP effectively. We are also partnering with leading institutions like the International Centre for Earth Simulation and the Geneva Centre for Policy Security to leverage cutting-edge technology and international expertise.

Empathy Tokens: Investing in a Positive Future

To fund and scale the BRP, Envisionation introduces Empathy Tokens, a digital asset designed to democratize investment in ecosystem restoration. These tokens provide individuals and organizations with an opportunity to invest directly in the planet's future, supporting projects that grow biomass and enhance natural carbon sinks. As the project progresses, Empathy Tokens will be linked by smart contracts to the Whole Earth System Biomass Account, ensuring that investments align with measurable and impactful environmental outcomes. This innovative funding mechanism not only supports the BRP but also sets a new standard for sustainable finance and environmental stewardship.

Envisionation invites you to join us in this monumental effort to restore Earth's biosphere, stabilize the climate, and secure a sustainable future for generations to come. Together, we can turn the tide and achieve a better, fairer world for everyone.


1. A Holistic Approach to Biosphere Restoration

Envisionation’s Biosphere Restoration Plan (BRP) focuses on restoring Earth's natural systems by understanding their complex interdependencies. Our approach is comprehensive, targeting not just the symptoms of ecological degradation but the underlying causes, ensuring a sustainable balance between human activity and nature's capacity to thrive.

2. Climate Stabilization Through Ecosystem Regeneration

The BRP aims to restore the approximately 50% of global biomass lost due to human activity over the past 10,000 years. This restoration effort will draw down 550 billion tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere, returning CO2 levels to pre-industrial conditions and providing a natural solution to climate stabilization.

3. Innovative Funding with Empathy Tokens

To enable widespread participation in environmental restoration, Envisionation has introduced Empathy Tokens. These digital assets allow anyone to invest in the planet’s future, funding critical restoration projects and infrastructure. As a unique blend of impact investment and digital finance, Empathy Tokens represent a new paradigm in funding sustainable development.

4. Global Partnerships for a Sustainable Future

Our mission is supported by a robust network of global partners, including the International Centre for Earth Simulation and the Geneva Centre for Policy Security. These collaborations provide us with cutting-edge technology, extensive financial expertise, and strategic insights needed to achieve our ambitious goals for planetary restoration and sustainability.

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FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

A: The Empathy Coin project is in its infancy and is therefore high risk, we want you to finance the BRP because you believe in the plan and not for financial gain, although as the plan makes clear its implementation is expected to deliver significant growth in global gross domestic product.

A: Yes, we certainly hope so but that will only occur as the BRP matures and the necessary systems and processes are put into place. As a participant and a holder of Empathy Coins you will be able to follow that progress.

A: At this stage no, funds provided go to the further development of the BRP and its communication. Full transparency as to how funds are spent is available to Empathy Coin holders on this website.

A: No, the BRP is initially about creating and promoting societal frameworks within which environmental and social issues can be resolved leading to the ultimate delivery of the UN SDG’s. In this respect it is about supporting the traditional carbon markets as well as going well beyond them. A key objective of the BRP is to assist in the establishment of accurate Earth system accounting and in particular the amount of living biomass which is defined by the amount of living carbon it contains.

A: Yes, in that participating companies will be able to declare their support for the BRP and by extension the work it is doing.
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